Tuesday, July 17, 2007

July 17, 2007-Bridgett

I was a little concerned today when I looked at the Eco-column. It seems that our leech may have gone to a better place because he did not look like he was moving much. The fish also seemed to be moving at a slower pace and continued to swim towards the surface. I am wondering if they are trying to get more oxygen, and Ruth suggested that we may need to make more holes in the aquatic chamber. After much consideration, we decided that this may not make a lot of difference. The apples in the decomposition chamber continued to break down and rot. There used to be a fly in this chamber, but he was nowhere to be found. I wonder if he had time to lay eggs in the apple before he was most likely caught by Albert E. in one of his beautiful webs. Speaking of Albert E., he was nowhere to be found, but his webs were still present, and it seemed that there were creatures inside the webs. I am not sure where these creatures may have come from, but I do think the fly met his end when he flew up into the predator chamber. "Rain" water continued to drip from the precipitation chamber. I do not know if our fish will still be alive by tomorrow. I am hoping that the rain will help bring new nutrients to the aquatic chamber.

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